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Genesis exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Joshua, Judges, Ruth,

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Q: What are the seven books in the Bible?
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How many books of the Chronicles are in the Bible?

There are two Books of Chronicles in the Bible, though some consider they may have originally been one book.The protestant bible has a total of 66 books in it. while the catholic bible has a total of seven more books in their bible.The Bible contains 66 books: 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.

How many books are in the New and Old Testament in the Catholic Bible not combined thanks?

There are sixty-six books total in the Bible. There are thirty-nine books in the Old Testament. There are twenty-seven books in the New Testament.

If there are two different Bibles namely the Catholic and the Protestant Bible which one is accuratly the true and correct Bible?

The catholic bible has about seven books added to he bible.

How many books are there in the christianty bible?

Thirty-nine books of the Old Testament are accepted as part of the Bible by Christians and Jews alike. Christians are united in their acceptance of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament

What are the books of the bible that only have 7 letters?

Genesis Numbers Ezekiel Obadiah Malachi Matthew Hebrews This makes a total of seven books that have seven letters in their names.

Why does the Catholic Bible have more books than the other Bibles?

Yes the catholics have seven more books in their bible like Tobit Judith Huckabee 1 and 2 and others.

What books and chapter is the number 7 used in the bible?

There are about 400 passages in the Bible containing the number seven, so you will have to look it up for yourself in a Bible conlll

How many books in the old testimate?

The original Bible order contained 22 Books. This has been broken out to 39 Books today.

What are the 7 books in the bible?

OLD TESTAMENT * Genesis * Exodus * Leviticus * Numbers * Deuteronomy NEW TESTAMENT * Matthew * Mark * Luke * John So there are more than seven books in bible.

Are there 3000 books in the Bible?

No. In Christian Bible there is 73 books - but Protestant Bible have 66 books.

What is the number od books in the Bible?

73 books in the Bible There are 67 books in the Protestant Bible.

What is the first seven books of the Bible called?

Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges