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2 Timothy 4:17 says:

But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth.

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Q: What bible verses include strength and lion?
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What Bible verses include a lion 5 times?

There are no verses in the KJV bible that includes the word lion five times. There are two verses that include the word lion three times (Genesis 49:9 and Nahum 2:11).

How many times is the word lion used in the Bible?

The word "lion" is mentioned 157 times in the Bible.

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The lion is commonly associated with St. Mark, one of the four Evangelists in the Christian Bible. This association is because of the lion symbolism in his gospel, representing strength and kingship.

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he is Samson a character from the Bible. he has a very strong body that is said to be coming from his long hair.

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The word lion appears in 83 verses of the KJV bible. It appears four times in the book of Amos (3:4, 3:8, 3:12, 5:19)

What does the lion mean in the coat of arms?

The Lion is a symbol of strength and power.

What is the symbolic meaning of a rampant lion?

A lion is usually a symbol of strength

What are a lion's defenses?

their teeth and strength

Who is strongest cheetah or lion?

Lions are built for strength and cheetahs for speed.

Was the nemean lion Hercules greatest strength?

No. His great strength was his greatest power.

What is a lion the emblem of?

Strength, Nobilitypower, and nobility