well, you can call them a absoloute joke because this website is TERRIBLE !!
A puddle. Sounds suspiciously like a dad joke to me... 🤔
a royal pane. it is a stupid joke :|
It's so tempting to make a joke here... Seriously, I don't think there's any particular name for a set of balls.
You can call a pickle who draw it a joke a sweet dill.
This is a joke on internet.The answer for this joke is boo bee.
This is a bee joke/ riddle and the answer for this joke is boo-bee.
This is a bee joke/ riddle and the answer for this joke is boo-bee.
Achou can be made into I chew to create a joke.
Your joke should end as below: what do you call a frozen tree? Trouser.
The joke what do you call a frozen egg is funny. A frozen egg is called a cold egg.
A dentist in bed is a tooth dentist. This is a joke.
a joke
A good hippo joke is what would you call an insecure hippo? The answer is a hippocrite.
A frozen hippo would be a hippopopsicle. This is a funny joke.
I do not know what you call a hippo in mud. This is a joke.