In the King James version the word - standard - appears 19 times the word - standards - appears 3 times
Four times in New American Standard.
31 times in the English Standard Version. 24 times in the King James Version.
410 times in the King James Version 366 times in the English Standard version
It is in the New American Standard in 990 verses.
depends on what car you're comparing to what bus.
There is no such thing as a "standard restaurant" in respect of, but not limited to, its area.
I70 times in the American Standard version of the Bible
In the King James version the word - standard - appears 19 times the word - standards - appears 3 times
140 times in the English Standard Version.
35 times.
1065 times
Four times in New American Standard.
There are 11 time zones in Russia.
By weighing the thing or multiplying the thing.
In the English Standard Version (ESV), 33 times.