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It could mean either he has dropped a nut, either something to eat or something to fasten a bolt on with. It could also be slang for a hernia, especially a scrotal hernia.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy says he thinks he just dropped a nut?
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What does the first letter of your name mean?

it just says something about you and how you tend to act

Bible verses that tell you what god thinks of you?

John.17:3 doesn't really answer what God thinks about you, it just says that He wants you to know Jesus Christ is God. 2 Cor.9:17 doesn't exist - chapter 9 only has 15 verses. Matt.18:4 talks about being humble like a child. 1 John.5:21 talks about refraining from idolatry. These are good verses, with the exception of 2 Cor. 9:17, but I don't think they sufficiently answer the question... Isaiah 43:4 says we are precious in God's sight and He loves us. Jeremiah 29:11 says He has good thoughts toward us. Psalms 139:17-18 also says He thinks good thoughts for us. Romans 5:8 says while we were sinners Christ dies for us. There are several verses that talk about what God thinks of us. He created us, and we're fearfully and wonderfully made. He thinks good thoughts toward us, and He doesn't give us more than we can handle. He loves us and saves us. But ultimately, we see what He thinks of us in that He died for us.

What does countertransferance mean?

It is a term used in psychology. Transference refers to when a client develops emotions and feelings for practitioner similar to those they have for an authority figure from childhood-ex.: client says psychologist reminds her of her father. Countertranference is when the practitioner develops those attachments to the client-ex.: psychologist thinks client is just like his troubled sister, etc

What does 7 mean when a boy says it?

The universal answer for everything (says my boyfriend)

What does it mean when it says the difference of twice a number?

It does not mean anything at all. "Twice a number" is only one number while "the difference" must refer to two numbers, not just one.

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