Spring of life
It means welcome and blessings.
It is Greek and means "summer."
* English meaning of the name KIRSTEN for a girl: ** variation of Christiana, follower of Christ * Greekmeaning of the name KIRSTEN for a girl: ** the annointed * Latin meaning of the name KIRSTEN for a girl: ** follower of Christ * Scandinavian meaning of the name KIRSTEN for a girl: ** walks with God
It mean that it is a cool name
Its a name, meaning noble. it is a girl name. she is a girl, a friendly girl, a perfect girl,
could mean anything.and i do mean anything
June means "Lady of the world"
DO you mean boy? If you do then yes it can be a boy name but it can also be girl name because i am a girl and that is my name.
girl of justice
The name Kiwa is a Japanese name mean "borderline." It is a girl name.
it mean nice girl
a godess name
a cute name for a girl
it is a girl's last name