XIX in Roman numerals is 19 in standard numerals.
The number one is I in roman numerals.
They are an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals
The number 49 in Roman numerals is XLIX and the number 99 in Roman numerals is XCIX
A does not have an equivalent in Roman numerals.
the group number in standard and roman numerals of potassium is as follows .the group number in standard of potassium is Group 1 .the group number roman numerals of potassium is Group I.
XIX in Roman numerals is 19 in standard numerals.
MCMCV in Roman numerals is equivalent to 2005 in standard Arabic numerals.
In standard Roman numerals, there is no such number as "S", and using mixed-case characters (like "Cc") also does not represent anything. That is to say, SXCc is not a Roman numeral.
There is no standard collective noun for a group of roman numerals.
The number one is I in roman numerals.
They are an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals
A does not have an equivalent in Roman numerals.
The number 49 in Roman numerals is XLIX and the number 99 in Roman numerals is XCIX
The number 638 in Roman numerals is DCXXXVIII
The number 1999 in Roman numerals is MCMXCIX
The number 951 in Roman numerals is CMLI