a word formed from the initial letters of other words (e.g., radar, laser).
It refers to the volume of an object at the start of an experiment.
This is difficult. We are not told what it is we are to calculate. We are not told how the velocity is changing (which it does, implied by the word "initial"). Suggest re-writing the question.
"e.g." is the abbreviation for the Latin "exempli gratia", which roughly means "for example", and that's what we use "e.g." to mean when we're writing. The 'g' is the initial for the word "gratia", which is a big part of the reason it's used for that word.
An acronymis an abbreviation formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. These components may be individual letters (as in CEO)
No, a suffix is a letter or a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning or create a new word. A middle initial is a single letter representing a person's middle name.
The word "initial" can function as either an adjective or a noun.
There is a German word "selig" (with the initial "s" pronounced like English "z") that means "blessed."
The word "newspaper" has the initial sound as noodle.
Yes, the word initial is a noun, a singular, common, noun; a word for the first letter of each word in a name.The word initial is also a verb (initial, initials, initialing, initialed); and an adjective, a word that describes a noun. Examples:Noun: He gave me a gold necklace with my initial as a pendant.Verb: Please initial the changes to the contract that you requested.Adjective: Our initial tests show some encouraging results.
To be at the beginning is to be at the start or initial point of an object.
The word initial could mean a few things in medical terms. It could refer to the initials of the degree a doctor has, or could refer to the first tests a patient may be required in order to get a diagnosis.
The word "jolly" has the same initial sound as "giant."
The spelling notwithunderstanding is not a word. You may mean notwithstanding."The initial confusion notwithstanding, an example sentence was provided."
My middle initial is M.
What is initial arraignment moot mean
O is an initial for 'omni'. It's the first letter in the word. The entire word is Latin for 'all'.