A bar or a line over a particular Roman numeral indicates that it is to be multiplied by a thousand.
____ CXXX each has a bar over the top to mean 'x1000'.
In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.
1,000,000 in Roman numerals is a C with a bar over it.
A bar or a line over a particular Roman numeral indicates that it is to be multiplied by a thousand.
____ CXXX each has a bar over the top to mean 'x1000'.
In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.
1,000,000 in Roman numerals is a C with a bar over it.
LX with a bar over it
In Roman numerals, M with a bar over it stands for one million and it can also be expressed as (M) meaning 1,000*1,000 = 1,000,000
5000 = V with a bar over it
In Roman numerals 250000 is CCL but with an horizontal bar over each of the numerals to denote multiplication by a thousand.
The Roman Numerals are I, V, X, L, C, D, M. Higher numerals are obtained by adding a bar at the top of the base numeral, Each bar multiplies the numeral by 10,000. Examples: I with a bar over it is 10,000; V with a bar over it is 50,000, etc.
VCDLXXXIV with a bar over the first "V"
The Roman Numeral for million is a capital M with a bar over it. NOT to be confused with their numeral for thousand which is only a capital M with no bar.