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A number with n digits such that it is equal to the sum of the nth powers of its digits is called an n-Armstrong number. For example 1634 is a 4-Armstrong number because 14 + 64 + 34 + 44 = 1 + 1296 + 81 + 256 = 1634. There are 88 such numbers in base 10.
The Armstrong numbers from 0 to 10000 are 1,153, 370, 371, 407!! That's it Nothing more and nothing less ;) Let k be the number of digits in a number, n, and d1,d2,d3,d4... be the digits of n. Say n=370. Then k=3 and d1=3, d2=7 and d3=0. Now 33+73+03=370. So 370 is an Armstrong number. Armstrong iff n=d1k+d2k+d3k+d4k+...
<html> <head> <Script Language="JavaScript"> var a,n,b=0,t; n=parseInt(window.prompt("enter n","0")); t=n; while(n>0) { a=n%10; b=b+a*a*a; n=n/10; } if(b==t) { document.writeln("Armstrong no"); } else { document.writeln("Not an Armstrong no"); } </script> </head> </html>
1 is an Armstrong Number 2 is an Armstrong Number 3 is an Armstrong Number 4 is an Armstrong Number 5 is an Armstrong Number 6 is an Armstrong Number 7 is an Armstrong Number 8 is an Armstrong Number 9 is an Armstrong Number 153 is an Armstrong Number 370 is an Armstrong Number 371 is an Armstrong Number 407 is an Armstrong Number 1634 is an Armstrong Number
armstrong number
370 is the next Armstrong number.
The phone number of the Armstrong Public Library is: 712-868-3353.
You wont be able to get Billie Joe Armstrong's number.
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No, it is not.
Hilton Armstrong is number 57 on the Golden State Warriors.
An Armstrong number, also known as a narcissistic number, is the sum of the cubes of the digits in the number. The list of Armstrong numbers for that range are as follows: 1,153,370,371,407.
The phone number of the Armstrong County Museum is: 806-226-2187.
Ray-Ray Armstrong is number 50 on the St. Louis Rams.
Armstrong numbers are the sum of their own digits to the power of the number of digits.