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Q: What is a synomym and antonym for accurate?
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What is the antonym for the word accurate?

antonym for "accurate" would be imprecise; inexact; inaccurate; incorrect; off the mark;

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What is the antonym of the word 'biodegradable'?

I think there no accurate antonym than non-biodegradable.....

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What is the antonym for misprint?

accuracy, accurate, calculation

What is a synomym for vacant?

available, void

What is a antonym for mystery?

Obvious is probably the most accurate antonym for the most common usage of mysterious.

What is a good antonym for mysterious?

Obvious is probably the most accurate antonym for the most common usage of mysterious.

What is the synomym of distribute?

disperse diffuse divide

What is a synomym for impair?

impair=hinder, impede

What is the antonym of subversive?

Loyal and obedient. Since an antonym is one word I believe the more accurate answer would simply be obedient

Is stranger the antonym for denial?

To be more specific I would say that confirmation is a much more accurate antonym for denial.