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Cans of pop(or soda) say "low sodium," which is only one positive aspect of drinking pop.

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Q: What is an example of a card stacking fallacy?
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What is the example of card stacking?

something stock somewere

Advertisement that used card stacking?

Bounty commercials are examples of card stacking.

Can anyone give an example of a fallacy?

A fallacy is a statement that is in error or not correct. "The earth is flat" is a fallacy.

When candidates quote only those statistics that support their positions it is called?

card stacking or stacking cards

What is chip stacking?

Chip stacking is when microchips are stacked with some kind of coolant between them so you can have more on a ram card.

Which type of logical fallacy is this an example of?

It looks like you haven't provided an example of a logical fallacy. If you have one in mind, please share it so I can help identify which type of fallacy it belongs to.

What is the origin of the word 'fallacy'?

The origin of the word fallacy dates back to 1350-1400. The word fallacy means deceptive or misleading. As a simple example, when one says the world is flat it is a complete fallacy.

Raising a child is just like having a pet is an example of what fallacy?

I'm going to go with Argument from fallacy

Example of fallacy?

An example of a fallacy is reducto ad absurdum. This is when you exaggerate someone's argument to a ridiculous extent and then proceed to criticize the result.

What is an example of a fallacy?

One example of a fallacy is the ad hominem fallacy, where an argument is attacked based on the person making it rather than the actual argument itself. This fallacy involves attacking the opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument, which is not a valid or logical way to engage in a debate or discussion.

What type of connector does a Mini PCI type IA card have?

100-pin stacking

What is a fallacy basically?

A fallacy is basically an incorrect use of logic. For example, you might criticize someone's personality rather than their argument.