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Q: What is another word for miraculous?
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Related questions

What is the base word for miraculous?

The base word for miraculous is "miracle."

Is the word miraculous an abstract noun?

No, the word 'miraculous' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'miraculous' is miraculousness.A related abstract noun form is miracle.

What is miraculous root word?

The root word of miraculous is "miracle," which comes from the Latin word "miraculum" meaning "something wonderful or marvelous."

What is a sentence using the word miraculous in it?

The miraculous recovery of the patient astonished the medical team.

what is the root word in miraculous?


What is another word for amazing starting with the letter m?

Marvelous, magnificent, miraculous, majestic, moving, mirabile dictu, mirable, mirificial. Hope that helps.

What is a word that means of miraculous or divine action?


What is milagrosa rice?

Milagrosa or milagroso is the Spanish word for miraculous.

What is another word for life changing?

life-altering, life-defining, mind-blowing, astounding, surprising, miraculous

What is a Suffix for miracle?

A possible suffix for "miracle" could be "-ous," forming the word "miraculous."

Is miraculously a noun?

No, the word 'miraculously' is the adverb form of the adjective 'miraculous'.The word 'miraculous' is the adjective form of the noun 'miracle'.Examples:There were miraculously few injuries. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'few')She made a miraculous escape under heavy fire. (adjective, modifies the noun 'escape')Some believe that his recovery was a miracle. (noun, direct object of the verb 'was')

Miraculous in a sentence?

'He made a miraculous discovery'