The abbreviation for abbreviation is "abbr."
"GPA" is already an abbreviation for "grade point average". There is no further abbreviation for the abbreviation.
Yes, abbr is the abbreviation of the word abbreviation or abbreviate.
MN is not an abbreviation for millions.
What is the abbreviation for how old you are?
Devel. is the abbreviation for development. You can use this when you are referring to developing a marketing campaign in a report.
REPT is an abbreviation for Report.
North east west south past and present event report
spp on a culture and sensitivity report means "species."
In the medical report it means that this person is not well fit with the society.
The abbreviation WHR can stand for many things. For example, waist-to-hip ratio, world health report, waste heat recovery or western hemisphere region.
Depending on context, it could mean polymyalgia rheumatica or patient medical report.
Gains and losses are reported on a profit and loss statement. NOT a balance sheet. P&L is the abbreviation.
LS! Happy to tell you because at one time I needed that for a state report:) I feel your pain!
Some meanings of the abbreviation "SGR" include Sustainable Growth Rate, Surgeon General's Report and Specific Growth Rate. For a complete listing, visit The Free Dictionary website and search for SGR under acronyms.
The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.
The abbreviation for abbreviation is "abbr."