Galatians 6:7: Whatever a man is sowing, this he shall reap. If he sows with a view to fleshly things; he will reap corruption. But if you sow with a view to the spirit, you will yeild everlasting life from the spirit.' Talk about a ripple effect.
There is no verse with that name
What is satanic linguistics
There is nowhere in the KJV bible where the words "life" and "save" appear in the same verse.
The shortest bible verse is John 11:35:”Jesus wept”. It’s only two words.
Matthew 7 but what verse
You can check The Bible book name, its chapter, and verse number if we have the verse. It is easier to look it up if you have either the verse topic or the verse itself.
There is no Bible verse for John's death.
Jesus wept because that is the smallest verse in the bible
There is no verse in the Bible that says that cremation is wrong.
See if Numbers ch. 31 is what you're looking for.
Judith is not a book in the Bible.
His Favorite Bible Verse Is .. Matthew 5:14
A verse.
It comes from the conversation between God and Abram - regarding his offspring, at a time when Abram was elderly and childless.
verse 982
No such verse, or similar, afaik.
There is no verse with that name