a number that can be divided and leave no remainder.
That's the definition of a multiple.
Capable of being divided, especially with no remainder.
One is an odd number, because by definition there is a remainder when one is divided by two. Even numbers have no remainder when divided by two.
A remainder of zero is obtained whenever the number is divided by its factor. For example, when 20 is divided by either 1,2,4,5,10 or 20 the remainder is zero. Every number has 1 as its divisor.Infact, this is the definition of divisor- a number which divides another number to return zero as the remainder.
As for example 23/8 = 2 with a remainder of 7
In math it means when you divide two numbers, there is no remainder or there is a remainder of zero.
a number that can be divided and leave no remainder.
That's the definition of a multiple.
Capable of being divided, especially with no remainder.
capable of being divided by another number without a remainder
That's the definition of a multiple.
A number that can be divided by another number without a remainder.
One is an odd number, because by definition there is a remainder when one is divided by two. Even numbers have no remainder when divided by two.
A number is a multiple of 7 if and only if it can be divided by 7 with no remainder.
Because it's divisible by '2' with no remainder. That's a definition of even numbers.
The definition of a factor is a number that divides evenly into another number with no remainder. Since no factor has a remainder, the GCF definitely can't have one.