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It means to be correct, or precise.

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Q: What is the meaning of acurate?
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How acurate are the distances in space?

since you measure space in light years, not very acurate. Distances in space are as accurate as the tools by which they are measured.

What are the Advantages of machine made items?

it is acurate

How much is 10000 Eurodollars in American curency?

$13,598 this answer may not be completley acurate, as the money value in both Europe and the US can change. As of 1/4/13 this is acurate.

Why are experiments done over and over?

So they can get an acurate result, from doing it over and over, you are letting yourself see all the different answers, and the one that is most acurate

How long does it take to know you are pergnant?

most urine tests are not acurate until the tenth day after conception, the blood test is acurate after the third day good luck joymake rrn

Can a breastfeeding baby get sick from mom's milk?

yes sometimes. I recomend visiting WWW.LALECHELEAGUE.COM for a more acurate and endepth answer:) yes sometimes. I recomend visiting WWW.LALECHELEAGUE.COM for a more acurate and endepth answer:)

What is the rational approximation of pi?

3.14159 is acurate enough for most applications.

Is emission testing truly acurate or just away to collect revenue?


Can you trust

yes you can trust wiki they give you acurate facts

What is left after a supernova explosion?

The universes most acurate time clock, a pulsar.

Is 19 onces more acurate than 1 pound?

depends on what your measuring...

Can you take pregnancy test at 5 weeks and how accurate will it be?

yes. but it will not be as acurate as if you wait