Agreement; harmony; conformity.
A logic argument is a statement of logic. The term "argument" means a statement that could be true or false. A Statement that has not been tested as true or false is known as a theory. Logic is the term meaning the structure of an argument or statement and how it applies in its use.
The solving of a problem with multiple apparent means of proceeding - such as a physical maze, a logic puzzle, or a ethical dilemma - through an exhaustive application of logic to all available routes.
FTA is an acronym for Free Trade Agreement/Area. This agreement helps people move around different areas of a country or even the globe with no charges or payment fees.
1. agreement in belief and agreement in attitude 2. agreement in belief and disagreement in attitude. 3. agreement in attitude and disagreement in belief. 4. disagreement in belief and disagreement in attitude.
The word for lack of agreement is "disagreement."
"Co-" is the prefix for "agreement."
1. lack of consensus or approval 2. lack of consistency or correspondence
Generally, it means that (at least) 2 parties have a disagreement, and have found that after some discussion and argument there seems to be no way at present to resolve the issue to everyone's satisfaction. The agreement is made (perhaps to diplomatically avoid hostility) to let the disagreement stand, at least for the time being.
Disagreement, Dispute, Arguement :)
"Nagkakampayan" is a Filipino term that can be translated to "having an understanding" or "reaching a compromise." It signifies a mutual agreement or resolution between parties involved in a conflict or disagreement.
"No" is used to express disagreement while "Yes" is used to express agreement.
Eloise Pearson has written: 'Agreement and disagreement'
A treaty formalizes an agreement between to countries or parties putting it into writing so that there is no disagreement about the conditions of the agreement. It can not be broken, for it is an international agreement.
An agreement is where two or more people concur with an opinion, for example if I said that Wiki Answers is a good place to ask questions and you thought the same, we would be in agreement. Disagreement is the opposite of this, for example if I said that the world was flat, and you told me that it was round, we would be disagreeing.