The number (-9) is the additive inverse of 9.
Inverse operations can also be used to find the additive inverse of a specific number. For example, -9 is the additive inverse of 9 since the sum of -9 and 9 is 0. Additive inverses come in pairs; 9 is the additive inverse of -9, just as -9 is the additive inverse of 9. Any two numbers are additive inverses if they add up to 0.
Visualize a pair of additive inverses on the number line. The number 9 and its additive inverse -9 are both nine units away from 0 but on opposite sides of 0. For this reason, -9 is called the opposite of 9, and 9 is the opposite of -9. The opposite of a number may be positive or negative.
Positive nine, or plus eighteen.
Because they are the opposite of each other.
An inverse is something that is opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or effect. If I have nine things and acquire seven more things, I have sixteen things. The opposite of that is if I have sixteen things and give away seven things, I am left with nine things. 9 + 7 = 16 16 - 7 = 9
What do you get if you multiply six by nine? That is the actual answer according to the Guide. I know that this math is incorrect, but that's what the book says. Sorry for the spoiler everyone.
The opposite (antonym) of opposite is same.
Positive nine, or plus eighteen.
The opposite of the opposite is the original value, -9.
necessary necessary
difficult demanding
"Under the weather" and "on cloud nine" are idioms with opposite meanings. "Under the weather" means feeling unwell or sick, while "on cloud nine" means feeling extremely happy or elated.
Nine. From each vertex to the middle of the opposite side.
Matthew Perry
At nine years old it is normal for a young girl or young boy to look at others of the opposite sex simple because of immaturity. Nine years old is far too young to have a serious boyfriend.
the words can be nine,mine,fine,sine,line,etc