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Q: What is the shorthand abbreviation for about?
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i18n is shorthand for "internationalization."

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How do you abbreviate Indianapolis?

"Indy" is a shorthand for Indianapolis. The airport abbreviation is IND.

How do you write amend in shorthand?

It's such a short word, there is no effective abbreviation for it.

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Neb is shorthand for nebulizer in medical terminology.

What does the medical abbreviation sed mean?

Sed is often used as shorthand for sedimentation rate.

What does the medical abbreviation EPI mean?

Epi is usually used as shorthand for epinephrine, as in an Epi-pen.

What is the abbreviation for announcement?

There is not an actual abbreviation for the word announcements. In shorthand, announcement is written as anncmnt and in some email subject lines announcement is sometimes shortened to ann.

What has the author Edmond Willis written?

Edmond Willis has written: 'An abbreviation of vvriting by character' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Shorthand 'An abreuiation of writing by character' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Shorthand

What is the courts abbreviation for nolle proseqi?

Court jargon and 'shorthand' varies greatly from jurisdiction-to-jurisdiction and is not at all uniform throughout the legal community. In my experience, the usual abbreviation would be "NOL PROS' but another court system may have another abbreviation.

What is the abbreviation for 'construction?

The word construction is generally abbreviated as "const". However, it could be written in a slightly longer shorthand as "constn".

What is fly 6?

This may be a shorthand way of stating that a batter hit a fly ball to the shortstop. In baseball scoring (on scorecards), the abbreviation for the shortstop is "6".