arose, arisen
The simple past tense and past participle forms of cheat are both cheated.The simple past tense and past participle forms of call are both called.
Present simple: accuse/accuses Past simple: accused Present participle: accusing Past participle: accused
The present participle is arising.
The past participle of arise is arisen.
The past participle of arise is arisen.
The past participle is arisen.
infinitive: arise past: arose past participle: arisen
The past participle is arisen.The present participle is arising.
The simple past of "blow" is "blew" and the past participle is "blown."
Both the simple past and the past participle are ground.
arose, arisen
"Organized" is the simple past and past participle of "organize".
The simple past tense of arise is arose.
The simple past is "beat" whilst the past participle is "beaten".