"Dix" is the French word for "ten".
six......its the same as in enlgish
Numéro ( actually a word borrowed from Italian) is abbreviated No.
The French word for 'correct' is 'corriger.'
The French word for the number one is "un" or "une".
The number four in french is "quatre"
"Deux" is the French word for "two".
In French, the word "soixante" is the number 60. Hope that helps! :)
no. is an abbreviation of number(from French nombre)
the plate number / license plate is 'une plaque d'immatriculation' in French.
"Dix" is the French word for "ten".
When wanting to translate the word "number" from English to French, the french translation is "nombre." When used in a sentence properly, the english phrase of "the number is seven" translate to "le nombre est de sept" in French.
"Siete" is not a French word. It is actually the number "seven" in Italian and Spanish. In French, the word for "seven" is "sept".
Both the French word "sept" and the Greek word "hepta" mean the number seven.