S.A full abbreviation is South Africa
Word is the abbreviation 4 word
Yes, the word abbreviation is a noun, a word for a thing.
There is no specific word abbreviation.
Yes, abbr is the abbreviation of the word abbreviation or abbreviate.
Social Worker? No. SW is the abbreviation we aquarists use for "saltwater". Abbreviation in an electrical schematic (drawing) is : SW, it stands for switch.
The correct compass abbreviation for southwest is SW.
Computer is not an abbreviation. It is the full form of the word.
"Sorry" is not an abbreviation. That is the "full form"
To digest an item, through the use of the mouth.
Exam is an abbreviation of the word examination.
The word "slang" is not an abbreviation. There is no "full form" of any of the letters.
World Wide Web
The word "esp" is an abbreviation. The full form is the word "especially".
English is neither acronym nor abbreviation. It is the 'full form'.