In the King James version
the Book of Psalms has the most chapters - 150
the Book of Psalms has the most verses - 2461
the Book of Psalms has the most words - 42688
the Book of Psalms has the most letters - 221587
The largest book in the Bible is the book of Psalms.
Psalm it has 105 chapters
Psalm 119
Catholic AnswerThe longest book in the Bible is the book of Psalms, there really is no "Catholic Bible" per se, just Bibles that have not had the Old Testament Deuterocanonicals removed as would be the case with the modern protestant Bibles. Thus a "Catholic Bible" would be any translation that has been approved by the Church and given an Imprimatur.
The seventh book in the bible is the book of Judges.
The largest book in the Bible is the book of Psalms.
The Bible holds the record for the book with the largest circulation worldwide, with an estimated 5 billion copies sold.
Psalm it has 105 chapters
Psalm 119
Catholic AnswerThe longest book in the Bible is the book of Psalms, there really is no "Catholic Bible" per se, just Bibles that have not had the Old Testament Deuterocanonicals removed as would be the case with the modern protestant Bibles. Thus a "Catholic Bible" would be any translation that has been approved by the Church and given an Imprimatur.
It was king Ahasuerus, In the bible in the book of Esther, he had a kingdom from India to Ethiopia.
The longest book in the bible is Psalms it has 150 divisions (or chapters) and all the others have about 25-30 chapters.AdditionallyLikewise, Psalms is also the longest book with respect to the number of verses and the number of words. Book of Jeremiah comes second place for the largest number of words.
The seventh book in the bible is the book of Judges.
the "devil's bible" is the largest and heaviest....enter it into a wikipedia search. very, very, very interesting backstory.
Yes indeed the holy book of the Christians is the BIBLE.