At this period in history (commonly referred to as the 'Reformation' or 'Pre-Reformation') , the only church that existed was what is now called the Roman Catholic church. During the time, the church services and the entire Bible were all in Latin. Anything for the educated class, such as treatises and official documents, were in Latin as well. Of course, few people actually spoke Latin, and this became a problem for the soon-to-be reformers (like Hus, Wycliffe, and Luther) who believed that the Bible was to be read by poor and rich alike, in the vernacular, meaning the language of the people. The translation of the Bible in the common language is also called the Protestant Bible. The church forbade people to read the Bible because of many reasons. First, it meant that the people would find the faults in the church by comparing the church teachings to the Bible's teachings. These faults included the selling of indulgences, which increased the church's bank account. Obviously, the church officials disapproved of that. Second, the church officials believed that this would degrade God's word and that it could only be God's Holy, infallible word if it was in it's original language. Add the two reasons together and you can see that the church did not want the people reading the Bible for themselves.
Eli soriano members of Church of God in the Bible.. We need to join the church in the Bible which is the Church OF God.. To God be The glory... You can watch him on YouTube fb Instagram etc.. Listen and observe
The word jail if found only four times in the bible.
When James I succeeded Elizabeth in 1603, there were at least three popular versions of the Bible used in England at that time: The Geneva Bible, the Great Bible and the Bishop's Bible. He instructed the translators to produce a new Bible, following the ordinary Bible read in the Church, the Bishops' Bible, with as little alteration as the original would permit.
holy water, pews, kneelers, choir
Our small group wondered who compiled the first Bible and when was the first time it was used in a church?
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church is the only one that was founded by Our Blessed Lord. It is the only one guaranteed by Him, and it is the only one that He sent the Holy Spirit to guide until the end of time. It is the only one that traces its history back to the Apostles, it is the only one that wrote the Bible. It is the only one that can speak for Our Blessed Lord.
while reading the Bible, take a shot every time you read the word "He"
At this period in history (commonly referred to as the 'Reformation' or 'Pre-Reformation') , the only church that existed was what is now called the Roman Catholic church. During the time, the church services and the entire Bible were all in Latin. Anything for the educated class, such as treatises and official documents, were in Latin as well. Of course, few people actually spoke Latin, and this became a problem for the soon-to-be reformers (like Hus, Wycliffe, and Luther) who believed that the Bible was to be read by poor and rich alike, in the vernacular, meaning the language of the people. The translation of the Bible in the common language is also called the Protestant Bible. The church forbade people to read the Bible because of many reasons. First, it meant that the people would find the faults in the church by comparing the church teachings to the Bible's teachings. These faults included the selling of indulgences, which increased the church's bank account. Obviously, the church officials disapproved of that. Second, the church officials believed that this would degrade God's word and that it could only be God's Holy, infallible word if it was in it's original language. Add the two reasons together and you can see that the church did not want the people reading the Bible for themselves.
As the bible is there for all to read at any time they do like, yes the Lutheran people and the Lutheran church do very much read the protestant bible.
1000 or 950
every thing in it's own time
you learn about god and the pastor talks about god and the bible. you sing songs. and if you are a teen some churches have youth groops where you study the bible or go out bowling or have a pizza party. are church has a coffee time after church where the people can talk and eat. hope this has helpeds
Only Every Time was created on 2010-08-31.
It Only Happens Every Time was created in 1977.