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Q: What word means good at noticing things?
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What is a word for noticing everything?

to be observant: to be hard to hide things from, to notice everything.

What is a sentence with the word noticing?

He was noticing that the same car had been following him all day.

What is a good sentence with the word mental in it?

Mental means using your brain and figuring out things your own.

What is the root word for the word impressed?

Press. Im is the prefix, impress means to make yourself look good. Or you made someone think good things about you

What is The word for noticing someone is there?

The word could be; Acknowledge, aware.

What is the word for noticing mistakes?

Spell check

What is the word nice?

It means that you are a caring person that does good things for somebody else and doesn't always think of themselves!!!!!

What do you respond to jambo?

"Jambo" is a Swahili word that means "hello." A suitable response could be "Jambo," "Habari," which means "what's up?," or "Mambo," which means "things are good."

What does 'she is as good as her word' mean?

It means you can trust her. Her word is good.

What word means to say hurtful things?

Spite. Slander. Backstab. Belittle. Defamation.

The greek word that means physics?

The greek word PHYSICS that's Means Natural Things..

What does tu va bien bonnee journee mean?

it means are you good? and good day. but if you tranlate it word by word it means (you are good? good morning)