Synonyms are words that mean the same or have similar meanings. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. The words confident and assured are synonyms.
The words 'argue' and 'squabble' are synonyms.
Synonyms: constancy, repetition, rhythm, abundance, periodicity, commonness, recurrence Antonyms: infrequency, uncommonness, irregularity
ocean, abundance, blue
No, they have opposite meanings
The abbreviation for quantity and quantities is qty. Words that are synonyms or are related to quantity are total, sum, amount, and abundance.
Synonyms are for the noun 'abundance' are:copiousnessplenteousnessoversufficiencyprofusionbountyaffluence
Profusion is an abundance or large quantity of something. Some synonyms for the word profusion are plenty, abundance, affluence, wealth, and exuberance.
== == Similar words are called "synonyms."Synonyms
50 words synonyms.
There is a few words that are synonyms of the word acclaimed. Some of the synonyms words are praise, cheer and welcome.
Synonyms are words that mean the same or have similar meanings. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. The words confident and assured are synonyms.