In words: Four billion, five hundred ninety-one million, four hundred thousand, six hundred fourteen.In digits: 4,591,400,614
The Philippine currency uses numbers, rather than words, to denote values. Therefore, when writing one million in Philippine money, it would be represented as 1,000,000. This number has seven digits.
word form means using words to tell a number.
Most people prefer to write numbers using digits since this is far shorter than writing out the relevant words.
Because it is much simpler. Words take a lot more characters.
In words: Four billion, five hundred ninety-one million, four hundred thousand, six hundred fourteen.In digits: 4,591,400,614
You just have written it in words. In digits, it is written 47,000.
The Philippine currency uses numbers, rather than words, to denote values. Therefore, when writing one million in Philippine money, it would be represented as 1,000,000. This number has seven digits.
Standard notation is the usual way of writing a number that only shows digits.
word form means using words to tell a number.