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Q: When is future simple tense used?
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What is the tense of will talk?

The tense of "will talk" is future simple tense. It is used to indicate an action that will happen in the future.

The simple future tense refers to something that what?

The simple future tense refers to something that will happen later or in the future. It is used to communicate actions or events that have not yet occurred but are planned or expected to happen.

What is the simple future tense of graduate?

The simple future tense of "graduate" is "will graduate."

In English can future tenses be used in the if clause?

The if-clause cannot be used in the simple future tense.

What is simple future tense difference with simple present tense?

The simple future tense refers to actions that have not yet happened but will occur in the future. The simple present tense refers to actions that are currently taking place.

What is the future tense of vanish?

The future tense of "vanish" is "will vanish."

What is the future tense of prepare?

The simple future tense of prepare is 'will prepare'.

What is the future tense of the word copyright?

"You will copyright" is the simple future tense. The future perfect tense is "You will have copyrighted". The future continuous tense is "You will be copyrighting".

What is a future tense for grills?

The simple future tense of "grill" is: I will grill.

Is the simple past tenses and the simple tenses same?

The simple past tense and simple present tense are different verb forms. The simple past tense is used to describe actions that have already happened, while the simple present tense is used to describe actions that are happening now or regularly occur.

What is the use of the simple future in french?

The simple future tense in French is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. It is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive form of the verb. This tense is often used to make predictions, talk about future plans or intentions, and make promises.

What is the simple future tense of the verb have?

The simple future tense of the verb "have" is "will have." Example: "I will have dinner at 7 PM."