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when the dollar was invented, because a quarter is actually a quarter of a dollar, where a dime is 1/10th of a dollar so why don't we call a dime a 10th and a nickel a 20th? So how many pennies in a dollar? none, because they are 100th.

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Q: When was the first quarter invented?
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Who invented the quarter?

who invented the quarter

When was the quarter invented?

2000 a.D.

When was the quarter turn valve invented?

The quarter-turn plug valve was developed in the 1920s

What are first quarter and third quarter moons also called?

The first quarter and third quarter moons are also called

Who invented McDonald's quarter pounder?

Al Bernardin

Who made the first quarter?

The first quarter was made by the Philadelphia Mint

What months are in the first quarter?

The first quarter includes the months of January, February, and March.

When did First Quarter Storm happen?

First Quarter Storm happened in 1970.

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In the second quarter.

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What are the five labels of a circle?

First quarter. Second quarter. Third quarter. Fourth quarter. Circle center.

What was score in first quarter?

The score in the first quarter was 21-14 in favor of the home team.