the first ancient printed book ever made was in china at about 868 A.D.
The first printed books, known as incunabula, were produced in Europe in the mid-15th century. The Gutenberg Bible, printed by Johannes Gutenberg in 1455, is often considered the first major book printed using movable type. This marked a significant development in the history of printing and book production.
The earliest bibles - indeed all books - were written by hand, the first printed bible was the Guttenberg Bible, printed in 1454 or 1455.
The Gutenberg Bible was the first book in recorded history to be printed, but was written by the original writers of the individual books.
The Bible was first printed on a printing press with movable type in 1454-1455, by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany. This printing revolutionized the production and distribution of books, including religious texts such as the Bible.
According to first printed mathematics book in the West was an arithmetic textbook, in 1478.A Chinese mathematics book was printed in 1115, according to Dirk J Struik "A Concise History of Mathematics".Handwritten mathematics books have been around much longer - Euclid's Elements of Geometry were written in about 300 BC.
The first printed books didn't survive, the first printed paper was done in China 105 AD.
The Bible
The earliest bibles - indeed all books - were written by hand, the first printed bible was the Guttenberg Bible, printed in 1454 or 1455.
I don't know. But the first one is the Bible.
The Bible.
Gutenberg printed the first religious book, in this case the bible, in 1456.
Woodcut printing for books was first used in China. It was specifically during the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD) that this technique was developed to create printed books.
Out of print normally refers to books, a certain number of a certain book will be printed and offered for sale, once all the books that were printed have been sold then that book is out of print, that is until more books are printed.
An edition of a book refers to the time it was printed. For example, a first edition was published in the first round of printing. A second edition is one which was printed in the second run of printing and so on.
The Gutenberg Bibel was the first book printed in the way we know it today. (with moveable letters) But i think at wikipedia are standing more facts tot hat topic about older printed books.