The word "analog" originates from the Greek word "analogos," which means "proportional." It entered the English language in the early 19th century and has come to describe systems or devices that represent or operate by means of continuous, varying quantities or signals, as opposed to digital systems that use discrete, binary values.
An analog clock is a clock with numbers in a circle and a minute and hour hand to tell the time.
You must sample at 2 x the rate of the analog signal (2 x the analog signal frequency).
It s a shortained version of the word penis
It is the Latin word for 'over' or 'above'.
All quantities in nature are analog. This is a rule of thumb that can be used to find out if a quantity is analog or not.examples of analog quantities aresound(from natural sources)vision etc.Analogue quantities are ones that change continuously.It is easy to misread this definition, what it doesn't mean is that analogue quantities are ones that change continually, or all the time.
analog Voltmeters come in both forms depending which one you buy.
it means time
it means another word for exicting
There are no perfect rhymes for the word analogous.
The Nintendo 64 analog stick gets lose over time because of being used overtime.
An analog clock displays time using hands moving around a numbered dial, as opposed to a digital clock which shows time in numbers.
please help me to understand the word transducer
analog media means analog media.
They have added so much stuff including 20 hot spots around the ring, a new analog grappling system and a new larger roster.