The stand which hold the book is usually called the "lectern", and it is usually in the "sanctuary" area of a church.
No. The Bible is the inspired word of God. It does not need to be bless because the word of God is already blessed. Anything from God carries it's proper anointing for a specific task. Most books of the bible focus on a specific topic. Each book has it's divine message to deliver to it's reader.
the hindu sign stands for your religion and culture it stands for who you pray to and which god you pray to
The Word is the word of God, and is the writings of God, but God didn't write them. But in other cases God is known to be omnipresent (everywhere at once).
The bible is the WORD of GOD. It says that in the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD. GOD chose men to write his WORD down for us, so we could know him.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
A similar Scripture is in John 1.1 & 2; which reads thus: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
God It is pledge,not GOD.(though GOD is good)
Everyone who reads it is spoken to by Jesus and God; as the Bible is The Word of God
"OMG" stands for "Oh My God"
The Scriptures contain "The Word of God in the very words of God", the priest reads the Gospel at Mass.
Isaiah 40:8 [NKJV] The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever."
As an example, one scripture reads " Fear God and keep His commandments". The word 'fear' as it applies in this context is translated in the Hebrew text as 'revere or praise' and is read as " Praise God and keep His commandments".
he baptisimal promises i think?
A christian stands for his faith and stands for god
the sun god
A.O.H. stands for Apostolic Original Holy Church Of God!!