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Q: Why is thomas hobbes a famous mathematician?
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What book did Thomas Hobbes write?

Thomas Hobbes wrote the book Leviathan.

Why Thomas Hobbes is famous?

Hobbes is famous for writing the first fully articulated social contract theory, in his book Leviathan.

What is the name of Thomas Hobbes most famous book?

Thomas Hobbes's most famous book is "Leviathan". It was published in 1651 and is considered one of the greatest works of political philosophy in the English language.

How did Thomas hobbes die?

Thomas Hobbes died of a stroke in 1679 at the age of 91. He is known for his influential works in political philosophy, including his famous book "Leviathan."

What is thomas hobbes most famous quote?

Thomas Hobbes's most famous quote is "Life is nasty, brutish, and short," which is from his book "Leviathan." This quote reflects his pessimistic view of human nature and the need for a strong central authority to maintain order and prevent chaos in society.

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What was thomas hobbes nationality?

Thomas Hobbes was English.

Why was Thomas Hobbes wanted for?

Thomas Hobbes was not wanted for any specific crime. He was a philosopher known for his political theories, including his famous work "Leviathan," which explored the nature of government and society.

What was Thomas Hobbes's famous book called?

Thomas Hobbes's famous book is called "Leviathan." It was published in 1651 and is considered one of the most important works in political philosophy.

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what were thomas hobbes's ideas

When was Thomas Hobbes born?

Thomas Hobbes was born on April 5, 1588

What did Thomas Hobbes write that was so important?

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