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Thermal insulators feel warm to the touch, as they do not conduct much heat away from your hand. The insulator itself will be at ambiant temperature once equilibrium has been reached and so is the same temperature as its surroundings.

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Q: Is an insulator hot or cold?
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yes it is. its keep the cold in and the hot air outside and vice versa.

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yes it is a conductor because today we can get hot water and cold water it can be dirty or clean.

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A thermal insulator is totally incapable of answering this question

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you tell me if you fill a thermos with hot soup or Hot Chocolate put the lid on and then touch it is it hot or cold. odds are it is warm so it is hard to say. but the thermos is an insulator

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Does insulation keep things cold?

yes and hot too. Insulation is a heat barrier -- it tries to prevent heat exchange between the two sides. Vacuum is the best. Then air. Metals are the worst. ====================

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Thermal insulator

Can a conductor also be an Insulator?

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