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Q: Can acupuncture help in sciaitica nerve and swelling in feet and ankles?
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i had treated many cases of oculomotor nerve palsy by acupuncture and electroacupuncture , and the result was amazing for me as acupuncturist and for the ophthalmic physician even for the chronic cases.

What is the purpose of diabetic socks?

Diabetics socks are important for three reasons; they provide comfort to acutely sensitive feet, they protect nerve damaged feet against ulcers, and they accommodate swelling in the ankles and feet due to poor circulation.

Does acupuncture work?

It is proposed that acupuncture works because the needles placed in the skin interrupt the nerve signals that transfer pain signals to the brain. Acupuncture can be used for many things including chronic pain and quit smoking plans.

Can ulnar nerve entrapment be treated with acupuncture?

Yes, but you're better off seeing a chiropractor or a surgeon.

Can sciatic nerve cause knee swelling?

The sciatic nerve itself does not cause knee swelling. However, compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve can lead to symptoms like pain, numbness, or weakness that may affect the muscles around the knee, potentially causing factors that could lead to swelling. If you are experiencing knee swelling, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Swelling and nerve damage can result from?

Trauma, injury to the affected area.

Is it safe to fly if you have a swelling on the optic nerve?

No, not without the SPECIFIC permission of your Doctor.

What is a description of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Median nerve entrapment, at the wrist, occurs by swelling and compression of the tendon sheath containing this nerve.

What nerve is affected when you lose your voice?

If loosing your voice is associated with hoarseness it is generally a result of soft tissue swelling. Not nerve involvement.

What has the author Oscar Lowenschuss written?

Oscar Lowenschuss has written: 'Acupuncture desk manual' -- subject(s): Electric Nerve Stimulation

Is accupuncture dangerous?

Yes. Self acupuncture is dangerous because you don't know how to do it as well as a professional. If you want acupuncture, see a doctor at an acupuncture clinic. They went to university for years so they know what they're doing. If you do it yourself, you might cause nerve damage, infection, bleeding and harm. So my advice is never do it yourself.

Is self accupuncture dangerous?

Yes. Self acupuncture is dangerous because you don't know how to do it as well as a professional. If you want acupuncture, see a doctor at an acupuncture clinic. They went to university for years so they know what they're doing. If you do it yourself, you might cause nerve damage, infection, bleeding and harm. So my advice is never do it yourself.