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Yes, 13.5 years is very early but still within the normal range for wisdom teeth eruption.

(above--already written)

OH MY GOD mine are coming in i think, and it hurts! im 13 1/2 exactly(:

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14y ago
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12y ago

Well, I'm not even 13 and I have THREE wisdom teeth. I'm kinda wondering what's up. I think the amount of calcium I have every day might have something to do with it. I drink TONS of milk....

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13y ago

not everyones wisdom teeth come in at age thirteen

just like how some peoples teeth fall out before others

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14y ago

Yes, they can. Wisdom teeth usually start coming out when you are between 15 - 22 years old.

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Q: Can wisdom teeth start coming in at age 13 and a half?
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i f*cked your mum now think about that because in her dad f*ck tard

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