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analysing blood to find out treatments for blood disorders

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Q: Hematologist responsibilities and daily activities
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What do hematologist do on a daily basis?

A hematologist looks for diseases in the blood.

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does any body know.

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They help Dr. G with what ever she needs to be doneee :)

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1. they run daily 2. they stay in shape 3. run in lots of running activities

Could a person use chronology daily?

Yes, a person could use chronology daily by organizing their activities, events, and tasks in chronological order to help them stay on track and manage their time effectively. This method can be especially beneficial for tracking deadlines, appointments, and responsibilities. Using chronology can also help individuals have a clear understanding of the sequence and timing of their daily activities.

What does a hematologist do on a daily bases?

A hematologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders related to the blood and blood-forming organs. On a daily basis, they may review blood test results, consult with other medical professionals on patient cases, perform bone marrow biopsies, and develop treatment plans for conditions such as anemia, leukemia, and bleeding disorders.

When did Victor Herbert - hematologist - die?

Victor Herbert - hematologist - died in 2002.

When was Victor Herbert - hematologist - born?

Victor Herbert - hematologist - was born in 1927.

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They do their daily activities with mechanical hands they have.