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25 dollars an hour

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Q: How much money does a OBGYN doctor make an hour?
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How much does a obgyn doctor make?

An OBGYN doctor makes 280,000 on average and if you work longer hours then around 700,000

Does an obgyn make a lot of money?


How much will a OBGYN make per month?

make about 100 dollars by the hour

How much do an obgyn make a hour?

i have no earthly idea... Good luck :/ sorry

How much do an obgyn make?

how much do an obgyn make

How much money dose a doctor make a hour?

"Doctor" is a very vague term. There are many branches in the Health industry.

Where can you find a doctor in Michigan for hcg?

your family physcian can refer you to an obgyn or you can make an appointment with an obgyn. obgyn's are the doctors that perform these. the procedure should only take 20mins tops. I've been assisting dr.'s with these for 10yrs.

How much a doctor makes a hour a day a month and a week?

He make some or alot of money

What kind of job makes 100 dollars and hour?

One job that you can make $100 an hour would be a lawyer. You can also make this money being a doctor or even some mechanics.

How much money does a cardiovascular make by hour?

a doctor makes atleast $100 per hour nothing, he makes upsalutly nothing. i dont realy know

How much money does an OBGYN make in one hour in san antonio?

well a obgyn i can tell you they make on average Level Annual GrossMonthly Gross PGY 1 $43,710.00$3642.50 PGY 2 $44,310.00$3692.50 PGY 3 $45,010.00$3750.83 PGY 4 $45,810.00$3817.50 PGY 5 $46,710.00$3892.50 PGY 6 $47,710.00$3975.83 i hope this helps you =)

What is the definition of Obgyn?

The definition of OB/GYN is "Obstertrician/Gynecologist". To make things very simple, you are a doctor mainly for pregnant women.