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It probably hurts, but won't do much to help. A sting usually does not cause an infection (which would be a reason to use alcohol), but rather hurts because your body is reacting to the toxin in the stinger. After removing the stinger, if it is still there, you would be better off using ice, followed by some benadryl ointment, hydrocortisone, or something like that.

If someone is allergic to a bee sting (trouble breathing, swelling of the throat), they need immediate medical attention - call 911, and if they carry an epi-pen, that needs to be administered.

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8y ago

A slight smarting can be the reaction when rubbing alcohol is applied to a bee sting. The stinger must be removed so that the site can be cleaned with rubbing alcohol or with soap and water. Compresses or ice followed by applications of baking soda and water and then of calamine lotion will alleviate and end inflammation and itching, except for those who are allergic to bee stings and must see doctors as quickly as possible.

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You put milk on a bee sting because a bee sting is full of acid and by putting an alkali solution on the sting it neutralises the sting (balances it out) so the sting doesnt hurt.

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If you meant a 'bee stinger' - then yes. Unlike wasps, the sting of a bee has a tiny barb - when a bee stings something, the barb makes the sting stay put. This means the sting pulls out of the bees body - killing the bee in the process.

Why put an alkali on a bee sting?

because it neutralises it

What to do if a bee stings you?

if it is a bee sting it is an acid sting so then put vinegar an alkilie will level out the ph [the level of intensity in acid s and alkilies] and if it is a wasp sting put lemon juice or some mild form of acid on it and it will level it out

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Put some mud on it.

How do you treat a bumble bee sting?

you can put mud on the sting to sooth it and the mud is supposed to draw out the venome I am no expert on the mud treatment but a bumble bee sting requires similar treatment to that of a honey bee. There are some pretty good answers and videos covering that.

What cream can you put on your bee sting?

Immediately after being stung, put Sting-Kill on it, or meat tenderizer. Later, apply a Benadryl type of product.

What is the nature of bee sting and wasp sting?

The nature of the bee and wasp sting is that they are usually inflammatory and acidic.

Do Bumble bee robber flies bite humans and is reaction similar to bee sting reactions?

Bumble bees are bees. If they sting, it is a bee sting. Robber flies can bite humans. It is not similar to a bee sting.

How does a drone bee sting?

It can't. A drone (male bee) cannot sting.

What is Bee sting reaction time?

A bee sting will start hurting immediately.