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RH- and RH+ are not blood types, they are factors.

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Q: Is there a difference between Rh neg blood group and a B neg blood group?
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Is 'a' negative a rare blood group?

O neg is the second rarest blood group (AB neg is the rarest). It is more valuable than rare, as it is a universal donor.

Can ab neg receive o positive blood?

Yes, people with AB positive blood can receive O positive blood. In fact, AB+ can receive *any* blood, A, B, O, or AB, positive or negative. It is the other blood types that have restrictions.

How rare is B negative blood?

Only 2% of the people have B neg. blood. They can give blood to B neg people only. Can receive O neg. if needed. B Neg. is best. It's the newest blood group known and was develope over time for higher alatues.

What is the blood group personality of bill gates?

i would guess Rh neg.

Can a person who has AB blood accept blood from any blood type?

No. An AB neg can receive blood from any blood group with a negative Rh (A neg, B neg, AB neg, O neg).

If my blood group is A- and my husband's blood group is B plus then can my child have the blood group A plus?

The child will have AB as her Blood group Not necessarily. If maternal blood group is A(AO) and paternal group is B(BO) then baby could inherit A from mum and O from dad - O is always recessive so blood group would be A Rh grouping (neg or pos) is inherited as a triplet code so could be either pos or neg

Can ab neg and o pos have a baby o neg?

No. The baby could have a negative Rh factor, but it would have either the A or B blood group.

What if your blood group is O RH positive Kell Neg?

YOu are universal donater, you can donate blood to a, b and ab positive blood groups.

What are differences between blood types?

Blood type A+ positive cand donate to people that have types A+ or AB+. They can receiver blood from Apos & neg, O pos & neg. Type O+ can give to O+ A+ B+ AB+ & only receive from O pos & neg Type B+ can give to B+ and AB+ and receive from B pos & neg; O pos & neg. Type AB+ can give only to AB+ and receive from EVERYONE A- (neg) can give to A pos & neg; AB pos & neg & receive from A neg & O neg. O- (neg) can give to EVERYONE and receive only O - (neg) B- (neg) can give to B pos & neg; AB pos & neg and receive from B- and O- AB- can give to only AB neg & pos and receive from AB-, A-, B-,O- **Type O blood is the universal blood type and is the only blood type that can be transfused to patients with other blood types **There is always a need for Type O donors because their blood may be transfused to a person of any blood type in an emergency

Do negros have o neg blood?

There are some African American people who have 0 negative blood. But they have the same blood types as any other group.

You have A neg blood your son has O neg blood what type blood must the mother have?

O negative

Will children of A neg blood type mother be A neg as well?

Not necessarily. It depends on the father's blood type as well.