Internal bleeding.
Shock is best treated by laying the casualty down and raising the legs. This improves blood flow to the vital organs. Also, keep the casualty warm.
If internal bleeding is suspected, medical help should be sought immediately.
well internal bleeding is very serious. if you think you have some then you must call a doctor as it is a matter of life or death
if you are pregnant and bleeding a lot yes, you should go to the hospital.
bleeding from the rectum can indicate serious internal problems and should be seen to by a health professional
a lot of bandages and being taken to the medics
When assessing a casualty, you should determine the casualty's level of consciousness, breathing status, and any life-threatening bleeding. These three key factors will help you prioritize the care needed and respond effectively in an emergency situation.
yes you should just incase of internal bleeding
External bleeding should be obvious, but may require exposing the victim by removing their cloths. Internal bleeding requires imaging studies such as CT scans or MRIs.
Basically, you should seek personal medical advice from a doctor or a casualty department in a hospital.
No!! Fool! You have internal bleeding and should get that checked out! Glad we could help! justin&caitlin No!! Fool! You have internal bleeding and should get that checked out! Glad we could help! justin&caitlin