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Q: Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit?
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An individual that shows signs of improvement only because the individual thinks that the therapy is working is known as what?

This phenomenon is known as the placebo effect. It occurs when a person experiences a benefit after receiving a treatment that has no therapeutic effect, but the individual believes it does. The individual's improvement is driven by their expectation or belief in the treatment, rather than the treatment itself.

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The word "qualification" is a common noun as it refers to a general category of things rather than a specific, individual entity.

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Yes, "landforms" is a common noun because it refers to a general category of land features rather than a specific or individual one.

What does encountering prejudice and discrimination mean?

Out of the many definitions of discrimination, the one you are probably thinking of is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination. The kind of prejudice you are thinking about is the kind where people make assumptions about other people based on superficial characteristics and then proceed on the basis of those assumptions without ever reconsidering them. Encountering prejudice or discrimination is running into people who think in this way.

Is population a common noun?

Yes, "population" is a common noun because it refers to a general group or category of people or organisms rather than a specific individual.

Is Hindu rangera in 2 a categery?

No it is not a category, category means a caste. Rengera is a surname rather than caste.

What is the family systems theory approach?

This approach regards the family, as a whole, as the unit of treatment, and emphasizes such factors as relationships and communication patterns rather than traits or symptoms in individual members.

What type of noun is the word dictionary?

The word "dictionary" is a common noun. It refers to a general category of things rather than a specific individual or place.

When an individual moves beyond his or her own needs and desires and takes the needs of society into consideration when making decisions in which stage of ethical development is this individual?

This individual would be in the post-conventional stage of ethical development according to Lawrence Kohlberg's theory. This stage is characterized by a focus on universal ethical principles and values, rather than solely on personal interests or societal norms.

Discrimination is best described as unfair treatment of otherd based primarily on?

Discrimination is best described as unfair treatment of others based primarily on characteristics such as race, gender, age, ethnicity, or disability. It involves prejudiced attitudes or beliefs that lead to differential treatment or unequal access to opportunities.

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The general's attitude towards the enemy soldier may stem from a mix of human consideration and possibly a belief in the value of individual life, rather than just national loyalty or duty. It could also reflect a sense of empathy and ethical values that prioritize the humanity of each individual, regardless of their allegiance.

Is category an adjective?

No, it is a noun (a genre or classification). When used with another noun (e.g. category listings), it is functioning as a noun adjunct, rather than an adjective.