A urologist typically treats the urinary system. Urogynecologists and nephrologists may also play a role.
A doctor specializing in this would be a urologist, but it's also something that might be treated by a gynecologist (if the patient is female) or a general practitioner.
Orthopaedic surgeon.
A Urologist is the specialist.
A Gastrologist is a doctor who studies and treats the stomach in humans. A Gastroenterologist treats problems in the digestive system.
A neurologist is a doctor who treats problems concerning the nervous system. Some of the issues they might address are Multiple Sclerosis, strokes, migraines, and a variety of other problems.
Do some research about a cystocele. A urogynecologist is the specialist that treats this I think. This can causes recurrent urinary tract infections.
Your Family Doctor can talk to you about any medical condition. If he or she feels that it is necessary you can be referred to a specialist for further diagnosis and treatment of your condition. In this case, the doctor who treats periods and all other aspects of the female reproductive system is called a Gynaecologist.
A Doctor Who treats children is called a paediatrician
An internist is a doctor who treats medical problems inside the body without operating on patients.