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Yes it means you have a pierced eyebrow. Piercings mean what you want them to mean, but they mean nothing to the general public. I agree with the above answer but my best rfiend has his pierced and I think of him as a bit of a punk.

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15y ago
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13y ago

It means you wanted an eyebrow piercing. In modern American society we don't use piercings to symbolize social stigmas' or standings.

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15y ago

piercing your eyebrow pooper :D Google that shat.

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13y ago

Hes awesome

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Q: What does getting your eyebrow pierce mean?
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Which eyebrow do you pierce if your bisexual?

It does not matter. Such 'signals' are not universal and mean different things in different places. In most places they mean nothing at all.

What to do if don't like your eyebrow pierce?

take pierceings out or get new ones

What its the length of an eyebrow piercing?

The barbell size is determined by the piercer preparing to pierce the client the eyebrow is measured and not all eyebrows are the same.

What to use if you don't have the right tools to pierce your eyebrow?

Don't do it. You will ruin or scar your eyebrow and it will be there the rest of your life. Go to the proper shop to get it done if you must do this.

Did Bill kaulitz pierce his piercings by himself?

No Bill Kaulitz didn't pierce his own tongue but im not sure about his eyebrow i don't think he did.

Can you pierce a dog's eyebrow and is it legal?

why would you want to? i mean, sure, dress your dog up in pretty clothes or whatever but, seriously, don't pierce your dog. it counts as animal abuse and the dog won't like it either. please don't!

Is it gay to pierce both sides of your eyebrow?

No, if you like both sides pierced then get it, it doesnt represent homosexuality

What size eyebrow bar do you use too pierce?

The barbell needs to be sized to the person's eyebrow it's not a one size fits all type of thing. So motor over to your professional body piercing studio and talk to a body piercer. They will ensure you are getting the correct size and gauge for your needs.

What does the idiom cock an eyebrow mean?

It means to raise one eyebrow.

What is the typical gauge for new eyebrow piercings?

Standards for an eyebrow would be 16g, the 3rd smallest you can do. You can always ask them to pierce it in a different size, but the shop might charge you $5-10 more.

What could you use to numb your eyebrow so you can pierce it?

ice or some form of injection but probs best to go with ice

What does getting you eyebrow pierced symbolize?

Lack of understanding about modes of infection.