Fasting for at least eight hours prior to the procedure ensures that the stomach is empty and as small as possible, and that the intestines and bowels are relatively inactive. Fasting also allows the gall bladder.
Sometimes a fetal infection can be diagnosed using ultrasound.
Ultrasound is used to diagnose fetal fifth disease.
i had an ultrasound when i was 6 weeks pregnant, but by ultrasound, the pregnancy measured to be 5 weeks, so no fetal pole was seen yet. i think the earliest fetal poles can be seen is about 6 1/2 - 7 weeks. hope this helps :)
A fetal pole is typically visible on ultrasound around 6 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, you may also be able to see a heartbeat in the fetal pole.
Ultrasound pictures are a fantastic advancement in technology. One practical application of ultrasound is in the non-invasive monitoring of fetal development in pregnant women.
Fetal heartbeat
Fetal monitors, Doppler fetal monitors, are handheld ultrasound transducers used to detect the heart beat in fetuses. They can be purchased online from DH Gate, Amazon and Baby Center.
An ultrasound at 6 weeks should show a fetal heartbeat, if there was a fetal heartbeat you're not miscarrying.. It's probable you estimated your due date wrong.
Prenatal tests for toxoplasmosis include a blood test for maternal antibodies; testing of the amniotic fluid and fetal blood; and, fetal ultrasound.
In a fetal ultrasound, it indicates that the gender of the baby is a girl (I think).
A physical and vaginal examination, a vaginal culture, urine and blood samples, a fetal heart monitor may be hooked up, fetal ultrasound, amniocentesis.