The value at purchase was 63 cents wich was the value of a 2 OZ letter but I would like to know the current value, if it is more than 63 cents.
Dr. Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk's birth name is Jonas Edward Salk.
In the 1950s, Salk developed the first polio vaccine, an injection. In 1962, Sabin developed the oral polio vaccine, taken by mouth, and still used, at present.
Jonas Salk retired in 1985
Jonas "Edward" Salk
Jonas Salk had 3 boys. Peter, Darrell, and Jonathan
yes.. jonas salk had a daughter and 3 siblings
Jonas Salk was born on October 28, 1914.
Jonas Salk's subject was virology and epidemiology,
Jonas Salk's biggest invention was the Polio vaccine.
Jonas Salk is most known for Polio.