do first aid
If someone refuses first aid you cannot give it to them regardless of how much you think they need it. If it is a life-threatening situation such as CPR on an unconscious casualty you should proceed with CPR regardless of any risk of broken bones or other injury. Life over limb!
Move the victim to an area with fresh air to prevent further exposure. Call emergency services and provide any necessary first aid, such as removing contaminated clothing and administering CPR if needed.
The common first aid technique for a person choking is the Heimlich Maneuver
Well it depends on how injured the victim is. I would think that if you really want to know, then you should look up what a first aid kit is.
any adult who cannot speak
You first check the scene is safe. Then you check the person. Then you call 911. Then put on protective barriers such as gloves if available. Then you treat.
An hearse.
Yes, that is one of the goals of first aid. You are supposed to get the victim under professional care.
The one of the method of trasferring injured victim that uses three person to carry the victim in one side.
Call the poison control center or paramedics. Induce vomiting.