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Q: Who discovered x rays for medial use?
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Who invented the x ray in England the Victorian times?

x-rays were discovered in Germany in 1895 y the German physicist Wilhelm Rontgen

What are sometimes called rontgen rays?

Roentgen rays are the same as X-rays, after the person who discovered them. In German they still call them "Roentgenstrahlen".

Who made the first X-ray?

X-Rays were discovered by Roentgen. See the attached link for a brief article. to prior answer- Marie Curies discovered many things in the field of radiation, but not X-Rays.

Who is Becqueral?

Becquerel discovered x-rays and radioactivity in 1896.

Who invented the first x ray?

X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.

Where was the X-rays invented?

The x-ray was discovered in Germany by Wilhelm Roentgen, in 1895.

Where did the X-ray came and why?

x-rays got that name because when they were first discovered they did not know exactly what kind of ray it was or where it came from. they called them x-rays.

How did the discovery of x-rays advanced medicine?

The x-ray advanced medicine because it was discovered.

How did the discovery of x-rays advance medicine?

The x-ray advanced medicine because it was discovered.

Do scanners have electricity?

Yes. The Ct scan machines produce X-rays. They use low quantity of the X-rays. But still they are the X-rays. X-rays are produced artificially by the use of the electricity as a power source.


it was an accident Wilhelm Roentgen dint mean to discover it..

What is the branch of radiology dealing with the use of x rays?

The use of X-rays is classed as radiography. This can be low energy x-rays for diagnostic purposes, or very high energy x-rays used for therapeutic purposes in Oncology (Radiotherapy)