The exercise program is usually tailored for the patient, who will be encouraged to participate in a cardiac rehabilitation program supervised by exercise professionals.
A physical examination by a physician is important to determine if strenuous exercise is appropriate or detrimental for an individual. Prior to the exercise program, proper stretching is important to prevent the possibility of.
Quitting smoking, Managing weight, Participating in an exercise program, Making dietary changes, Taking medications as prescribed
A program of moderate exercise helps to keep patients from losing physical conditioning, but too much exercise can worsen fatigue and other CFS symptoms
Quitting smoking, Managing weight, Participating in an exercise program, Making dietary changes, Taking medications as prescribed
Cardiac rehabilitation was once the province of those deemed to be at-risk of major coronary events. It was hoped that rehab could help these patients, often suffering from hypertensive heart disease or other precursors to coronary artery disease, prevent the onset of more acute symptoms. Cardiac rehabilitation has grown, however, both in terms of understanding what patients can handle and in technology, to now include the recovery stage of bypass surgery and myocardial infarction, also known as heart attack.Cardiac rehab is a multi-pronged approach to helping patients deal with recovery. It includes physical therapy and exercise geared to the health of the patient, nutritional education, group and solo counseling, and progress monitoring by a health care team of physicians and trained specialists. For patients starting cardiac rehab in poor health, the first stage of recovery is managed inpatient, and this part of the process may take weeks or months. After this, the patient will be released to the home environment, and they may continue the program with outpatient care.Who can Benefit from Cardiac Rehabilitation?There are no limits to the age of participants, and the elderly gain many benefits from entering a program. Besides patients recovering from heart attack or surgery, the program may be offered to anyone with a history of circulatory disease. Those suffering from angina, coronary artery disease, hypertensive heart disease, peripheral arterial disease or some congenital heart defects are likely candidates. The program will also be offered to patients who have received transplant, valve replacements and stents.How can Cardiac Rehabilitation Help?The primary goal of cardiac rehab is to reduce acute coronary mortality. Supporting goals include helping patients increase the possibility of functional independence, reduce reliance on outside caregivers and prevent premature disability. Increasing exercise tolerance for all patients is one means of achieving these goals. Though it may seem risky to introduce an exercise program to those recovering from heart attack or bypass surgery, results have been positive even in elderly patients. Exercise as part of cardiac rehabilitation is safe and effective at achieving the goals.It is not uncommon for patients to become depressed or face other emotional disorders following acute coronary events, and these disorders are widely recognized as putting the patient at risk of disability and death. Counseling and support groups will help in identifying and overcoming these obstacles, and they can be beneficial to the family as well.
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Mobile patients may use a trapeze bar, giving them the option of controlling their movements. An exercise program instituted by caregivers will maintain the patient's muscle and joint mobility.
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Some MCS patients find relief with detoxification programs of exercise and sweating, and chelation of heavy metals. Acupuncture can give added support to any treatment program for MCS patients.
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Educating patients in respect of their health.